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ETBU在Tiger Yard和ETBU Tiger棒球场庆祝Billy and Winky foot Hall的落成

10月13日, 2023

东德克萨斯浸会大学在周五举行的仪式上欢迎慷慨的捐助者和该机构的朋友,以庆祝新建成的比利和闪闪脚大厅在老虎场和ETBU老虎棒球场的开幕, 10月13日.

“比利和闪闪脚在这座山上相遇了,上帝把他们缝在一起并继续祝福他们,这真是太神奇了,” ETBU 总统J. Blair Blackburn said. “The Footes have committed their lives to Jesus Christ, 他们的部门, 他们的家庭, and their alma mater. 比利和闪闪牺牲和慷慨地投资了学生奖学金,我们很自豪地以他们的名字命名这个设施,以纪念他们的遗产. We are so grateful for 他们的部门, their love for the institution, their love for the Lord Jesus, 以及他们作为基督徒属灵领袖对王国所作的贡献.”

超过100名理大校友及朋友参与“胜利远景”, 这项运动为在伍兹球场建立ETBU老虎棒球场和在老虎场建造比利和闪闪足球大厅筹集了资金. 

老虎园的比利和闪闪脚楼是一个多用途的设施,包括阁楼式的学生宿舍, the ETBU Baseball Clubhouse, and the Blue Bengal Grocery Company, ETBU’s branded micro-market grocery store that provides a vast array of foods, 小吃之类的东西, 饮料, household essentials, and Blue Bengal merchandise for 学生, 教师, 和工作人员.

“ETBU校友和捐助者团结起来支持胜利愿景运动,为ETBU学生和老虎棒球队提供出色的设施,ETBU负责发展和行政事务的副总裁斯科特·布莱恩特说. “我感谢上帝,因为人们慷慨解囊,使这一愿景成为现实. 新增加的校园将影响老虎学生的后代.” 

老虎园的比利和闪闪福特大厅是为了纪念前东德克萨斯浸会学院的学生比利和闪闪福特而命名的,因为他们在机构服务方面做出了慷慨的投资, student scholarships, and campus building initiatives. ETBC brought Billy and Winky together, introduced them to life-long friends, and provided ministry training. In gratitude for God's faithfulness, Billy和Winky多年来一直为ETBU提供慷慨的财政支持. 富特夫妇为许多大学的资本活动做出了贡献,并建立了比利和闪闪富特捐赠奖学金, 哪些机构为预备职业事工的学生提供经济资助. 比利还回馈了该机构,从2015年到2023年担任东德克萨斯浸会大学董事会成员.

"As we reflect with hearts of gratitude, it's incredible that God did more than we could ever think or dream,” Billy Foote said. “多年来,他通过事工和传福音,为我们与无数人分享福音铺平了道路. 没有什么比为在我们身上投入这么多的学校服务更幸福的了. God used ETBC in our lives in ways that can never be adequately expressed, 为我们传扬耶稣基督的信息铺平了道路,打开了无数扇门. This building honors God, 我们的祈祷是,所有通过它的大门的学生都将继续为基督的事业而活,并为他成为这个黑暗世界的光.”

2023年春天,ETBU棒球队在新装修的ETBU老虎棒球场庆祝了一个辉煌的一年. The Tigers experienced unprecedented success on the diamond, 包括ASC常规赛冠军,随后夺得ASC锦标赛冠军, NCAA Division III Regional Championship, and NCAA Division III Super Regional Championship at the ETBU Tiger Ballpark. 这支球队在NCAA第三区全国锦标赛中获得了前四名, with a 42-15 overall record.

“当我站在这个令人印象深刻的设施中时,我想起了我们的校友,他们是我们棒球项目的基础,” Head Baseball Coach Jared Hood said. “他们的鲜血、汗水、眼泪、心痛和胜利都被牢牢地刻在了这些墙上. 他们是我们现在这个节目的原因,我希望他们永远不会忘记这一点. These facilities are going to take this program to new heights, and when it's all said and done and these young men complete their degrees, they will have lifelong friends and relationships that will never be replaced. We are so thankful for the support of our alumni, 捐助者, and friends of the University who have made ETBU such a special place.” 

新装修的ETBU老虎棒球场是NCAA第三区首屈一指的棒球设施之一. 该球场设有535个永久座椅,最多可容纳1500名球迷,并设有站立区. A new press box, two radio booths, and two suites were added to the stadium. Foote Hall at Tiger Yard, positioned just beyond the left field wall, is the home of the ETBU Baseball Clubhouse, 更衣室, coaches offices, equipment room, and recruiting room.

“It is exciting to see our baseball team, 学生, and fans enjoy our 状态-of-the-art facilities,” Vice President for Student Eng年龄ment and 体育运动 Ryan Erwin said. “去年春天, 伍兹球场的新ETBU老虎棒球场让我们所有人都能体验到令人兴奋的季后赛气氛. 我们感谢我们的管理和慷慨的校友和朋友的远见卓识. 除了ETBU的住宅外,我们棒球项目的升级将增强学生现在和未来的体验.”

Billy Foote added, “Psalm 115:1 makes this 状态ment “Not to us, 耶和华阿, 对我们来说不是, but to thy name, be all the glory because of your love and faithfulness. And so, to our Lord and Savior, to Dr. 布莱克本,博士. 斯科特科比, and to all those who had a part in making this monumental moment happen, Winky和我想对你们说声谢谢,感谢你们给了我们快乐和荣幸,让我们参与到上帝所做的事情中来,以及他以如此美妙的方式所做的事情.”